What is Pasadena Villa’s Social Integration Model?
Our Social Integration Model is the very essence of our programs and is based on real time therapeutic interventions while experiencing real life situations. Social integration is used to ensure social and life skills treatment concepts are not only presented and reviewed, but they are experienced in the moment, analyzed and processed with professional guidance, and then implemented by residents. By providing real life treatment experiences, our staff builds appropriate interpersonal skills so residents can rebuild relationships with their community, family and friends, and even to make new acquaintances. To complement our Social Integration Model, we provide exceptional clinical care via traditional family, individual, group and expressive arts therapies.
Pasadena Villa’s Social Integration Model deconstructed.
Social integration intensely prepares clients for life after treatment by the introduction to, and hands-on involvement in relevant life strategies within the community in real time.
Our clinicians are “Social Mentors,” a strong constant presence in a therapeutic environment, continuously engaging with our residents in relevant situations. Through an effective therapeutic alliance with our clinicians, ongoing feedback, support and direction are provided to help guide the process and assist the resident in meeting their individualized treatment goals and regain control of their lives. Activities are selected by our residents; chosen to make individualized progress that influences their life’s decisions, long after treatment has concluded.
Real Time
Our licensed mental health professionals observe residents and instantly intervene, as appropriate, in real time. To achieve a higher level of functioning outside of treatment, the observations are incorporated into the client’s treatment plan so they can practice applying those learned skills to any situation in the future.
Life Strategies
In a natural environment, our residents receive expert clinical care and guidance from our licensed staff in real life strategies. Residents enjoy the many fun and rewarding experiences that life offers within the local community, while practicing the life skills necessary to have a socially fulfilling future after treatment. Inside our facilities, we engage in real life activities, such as serving all meals at one large banquet table where residents model, practice, and learn proper social and communications skills and behavior.
Pasadena Villa’s Social Integration Model is designed for residents to learn by doing.
Residents participating in experiential learning have a higher chance of successfully retaining and implementing concepts presented during treatment. Dale’s Cone of Experience is a model related to instructional design and learning processes. During the 1960s, Edgar Dale theorized that learners retain more information by what they “do” as opposed to what is “heard”, “read” or “observed.” Today, this “learning by doing” has become known as “experiential learning” or “action learning”. Dale concluded that, after two weeks, people remember 10% of what they read, 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see, 50% of what they see and hear, 70% of what they say and write and 90% of what they say and do. Therefore, the more an individual experiences during their treatment, through a variety of modalities, the more successful they will be (Dale, Edgar. Audio-Visual Methods in Teaching, 3rd ed., Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1969, p.108).
Pasadena Villa’s Social Integration Model is based on providing an authentic treatment experience that will be applied to a resident’s everyday life after treatment. For residents to accurately understand, apply and ultimately retain the skills learned in treatment, they must be introduced to real life situations that they would perhaps seek or encounter in their daily lives. While being accompanied by our licensed professionals to present and review the relevant treatment concepts and their behaviors, our residents get to learn and practice what they learn while in treatment to help prepare them for their everyday lives afterward.
Our Social Integration Model is a direct representation of our uncompromising service to residents and families with the most unique and meaningful treatment experiences possible.
The Villa Orlando and Pasadena Villa’s Smoky Mountain Lodge are adult intensive psychiatric residential treatment centers for clients with serious mental illnesses. We also provide other individualized therapy programs, step-down residential programs, and less intensive mental health services, such as Community Residential Homes, Supportive Housing, Day Treatment Programs and Life Skills training. Pasadena Villa’s Outpatient Center in Raleigh, North Carolina offers partial hospitalization (PHP) and an intensive outpatient program (PHP). If you or someone you know may need mental health services, please complete our contact form or call us at 877-845-5235 for more information.
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